X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
13th February 07, 08:21 PM
I almost never eat breakfast. It's not the breakfast I have the problem with...it's going to the bathroom at work. the horror.
If I eat a big meal in the morning I'm uncomfortable all day cause I'd rather be uncomfortable than do a number 2 in a public washroom.
sorry if that was too graphic.
13th February 07, 08:37 PM
As a family we sit down for a proper breakfast each morning. Sometimes porridge, sometimes sausage and eggs but always pancakes on Sunday. Always some sort of fruit and there is always a pot of tea on the table. Both my boys like tea in morning (ok 1/3 tea 2/3's milk but they like it because its warm).
14th February 07, 04:34 AM
A bowl of hot oatmeal, old fashioned cooked on the stove with a bit of fresh ground nutmeg and raisins. I eat the junk foot later in the day
14th February 07, 07:28 AM
Usually some fruit, yogurt, and a bagel weekdays (sometimes I'll substitute oatmeal). Weekends - eggs or waffles or french toast.
Reading through this thread is making my mouth water!
15th February 07, 07:50 PM
Toasted bagel with cream cheese, 1 Dove chocolate (mostly to tease my lovely wife!) and a glass of "swill" - a cell regenerative drink that I've now taken to calling the "elixir of youth" so that My Sweetie doesn't give me a dirty look- don't know if it works that way, but I've not had a cold in over a year, AND I work with little kids! Weekends, once in a while on Sundays I'll go thru 4-5 pieces of bacon, 3 fried eggs, and a couple of pieces of whole wheat toast and wait to see if my heart explodes.
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