We're moving our shop to Phoenixville, PA to a bigger location (moving from 600 Sq Ft. to 1200 sq. Ft) in a downtown walking district. The first day we're going to be open is Friday Dec 2nd. It's also what they call "first fridays" in Phoenixville (all the shops on the main drag stay open late and people shop). I'm hiring a bagpiper and a drummer to play in front of our store for a few hours that evening. There are also rumors of street vendors roasting chestnuts and serving hot chocolate and carolers (from the local church).
I believe the shops close around 9 or 10 PM... then it's off to find a pub and celebrate! If you want to tip a few back with Kelly and I, please stop by and check out the new shop... and of COURSE wear a KILT!
New shop will be:
USA Kilts and Celtic Traditions
249 Bridge St
Phoenixville, PA 19460