XMARKS MODS: Please leave this post stand. I noticed that someone posted about the Faerie Festival and simply mentioned that he SAW kilts - and you allow that to stay. This post regards a SIGNIFICANT ISSUE in the world of kilt making. The masses deserve to know about this. Thank you.
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This just in from the editor of the UK Newsletter
Briefly, we will be publishing an open letter to the Utilikilts
community later today that will announce the repeal of Rule #6
according to the desires of our customers.
> Are you retracting Rule #6? If so, you should say it.
We are now. Customers pointed out the errors in our thinking and
wording, so we have permanently deleted that rule. Watch for the
open letter later today, and feel free to pass it on to anyone you
think should see it.
Thanks for remaining a part of the conversation.
- CJ
.................................................. ....
. Editor
. The Utilikiltarian Newsletter
. Editor@Utilikilts.com
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It sounds like UK got badly beaten up by their customer base.
I now have to ask if they will replace any and all photos they removed from their gallery and if they will apologize to the HUNDREDS of customers they have offended.
When the "open letter" is posted I will place it here.
On a personal note - thanks to EVERYONE who expressed their opinions on this issue. It's a shame my original posts didnt survive here long enough to spark what surely would have been a GREAT discussion about the politics of UTILIKILTS (it wasnt even going in the direction of pro/anti GUN when my posts were pulled).
MODS: Please leave this post stand. Please. Pretty please?