11th June 06, 06:00 PM
A first....an interaction with a gaggle of teenage girls
So I'm walking down the street, downtown in the shopping district and come acorss a gaggle of six teenage girls. Some of them look fine, a couple are doing the "I'm trouble" look with too much jewelry and makeup. The most over-made up of the bunch calls out, from 30 feet away. "You're my favorite person, now". To this I respond, "and you can be my favorite person until I get home! Sounds good?"
Four steps later, this one girls asks the underwear question, which is taken up,a nd expanded upon by the girl sitting on her lap. To this I respond " A lady wonders, a woman finds out for herself", and laughing, continue on my way. A third of a block later I hear a distant giggle, hear the quick footsteps and reach back to yank my kilt down just in time.
"But I didn't get to see!" she cries out!
My response....what if I did that to you? What if I walked up to you on the street and lifted your skirt up to see if you were wearing underwear? What would happen? I'd go to jail, is what would happen, so why is it all right for you to do the same thing to me?
Her response?
Understand that she's wearing really REALLY low-cut tight blue jeans, and a crop-top to show lots of stomach. ........... Well you already said I wasn't a lady....and you can SEE my underwear!
.......Which in fact, I could because her pants were so low that her thong was quite in plain sight, and not only that, but printed on it were the words of a very intimate invitation.
Figuring that I'd stopped her from lifting my kilt, but wondering what on earth she was thinking to wear clothes that displayed her thong at all, and to wear a thong that invited all onlookers who got close enough to get a slightly obtuse angle, to enjoy themselves inside them...I just kept on walking.
She appeared somewhat taken aback that I had stopped her fun. I hope she thinks twice the next time the girls egg her on and put her up to something she really shouldn't be doing. I think in a situation like this, there's no real way to be a gentleman, you just speak the level truth in no uncertain terms, and keep on walking.
Last edited by Alan H; 11th June 06 at 06:05 PM.
11th June 06, 07:35 PM
You did well Alan, teenage girls are a species unto themselves, even more mysterious than Women. There will always be different standards and how we handle the situations shows just what kind of man you are.
11th June 06, 07:43 PM
I blame the parents. I have teenage daughters. They don't act like that.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
11th June 06, 08:56 PM
I have to agree with Bob. My daughters are 18 & 20; and, despite being raised in a much less disciplinarian environment than their mother and I were, are very well-behaved young ladies. We simply taught them that proper behavior is expected by society, and that behaving otherwise merely displays ones ignorance.
11th June 06, 09:17 PM
Next week, Alan will ...
Next saturday Alan will take up a less hazardous chore of juggling dynamite with lighted fuses ...
CT -
12th June 06, 05:04 AM
noo whit wuid happen if thot gaggle met oop wi a rabble?
12th June 06, 05:15 AM
Alan...you got what you asked for!
You must know by now...lassies become fierce maniacs when they see a kilt
12th June 06, 06:39 AM
Alan,Good on Ya! Well done, handled like a true gentlemen within the context!
12th June 06, 06:44 AM
And you did dare them to action. The hine sight is 20/20 but "me shoes and socks" for those girls would not have been a challenge and it was some what of a dare and she took it and allmost had you cornered.
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
Listen to kpcw.org
Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
12th June 06, 06:50 AM
Alan, I can sympathize with your being upset, but you did reply to the question with a repsonse that would be considered a challenge by the young girls (can't call them ladies), especially as you said you said it in a light tone with a laugh. I think that flip and flirtationus responses to the question should only be used when one is sure what response they migh invoke, and are ready for that particular response from the partying being responded to.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
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