We need to laugh more, think about it for a moment.
It allows us to be creative and to work harder but more comfortably.
It decreases isolation. Laughter allows us to bond with other people and ease our loneliness.
It's contagious. Laughter creates laughter. Allowing laughter to swell into a movement across the land would reduce our growing anger and violence.
It's universal. Everybody can laugh. Human beings are born with the gift of laughter. A sense of humor is not necessary to laugh.
It reduces aggression and conflict. People laughing are unable to hold each other at sword point. Some how there is no longer a point, only acceptable differences.
It relieves anxiety. One cannot laugh and be afraid simultaneously. It's physically impossible. Laughter also shrinks the source and size of our fears.
Above all else, it's fun. It gives us back our playfulness, a characteristic of all mankind.
Laughter is a natural, physical process which releases pain, physically and emotionally. It is part of the body's biological drug store. Introduce more laughter in your life and revel in the opportunity to need fewer or no drugs at all to revel in the experience of your everyday life.