it wuz time again fur Whisky Live! in Glasga.... sponsored by Whisky Magazine.... Emma, ai, Emm'a Sister an hubby Derek... ventured forth tae Glasga fur this premier whisky event...
oan the train....
we had twa wee drams oan the train oan the way...
cute wee toons oan the way... an lovely countryside... we went through Auckinleck, Sanquhar, Kirkconnell, Barrheid, Kilmarnoch....
an some a' ya may recognise this wee walkin mon... we passed this wherehoose....
we arrived a wee bit early... sae wee had a wee dram a' the pub...
then... Whisky Live.... this wuz after fower booths... (that's 7 drams fur they's that's countin...) with a wee bottle kiltie...
met this Oregon kiltie... whilst takin a wee break after 8 booths...
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