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  1. #1
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    For throwing purposes

    Alright, I want to order a Morgan tartan kilt at some point this year that I can use to throw in for the Highland Games. I know the full length ones aren't advised for throwing purposes. I'd also like to keep cost under $300. I'd do sportkilt but they don't have any Morgan kilts and I'd like it to look a bit more traditional.

  2. #2
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    Morgan is kind of rare. If you're looking for something to do athletics in, I'd recomment Sport Kilt (hence the name), but if you want some in the Morgan tartan, it would have to be custom made.

  3. #3
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    As far as the Morgan kilt, you can get it either in the old and rare selection from house of edgar, or in the lochcarron 16 oz heavyweigh ttartan, but this is in regards to the Morgan Ancient tartan.

    Morgan Modern I can only find in the 10 ounce lightweight tartan from Lochcarron. So, yes, it very may well be a custom order or special weave tartan.

    Ard Choille

    Last edited by ardchoille77; 16th January 07 at 01:54 PM. Reason: Didn't fully answer the question

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by beloitpiper View Post
    Morgan is kind of rare. If you're looking for something to do athletics in, I'd recomment Sport Kilt (hence the name), but if you want some in the Morgan tartan, it would have to be custom made.
    I have a kilt that I use for throwing, but it's not a Morgan kilt. And I'd like to represent Morgan when throwing now that I'm in a position to afford such things.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ardchoille77 View Post
    As far as the Morgan kilt, you can get it either in the old and rare selection from house of edgar, or in the lochcarron 16 oz heavyweigh ttartan, but this is in regards to the Morgan Ancient tartan.

    Morgan Modern I can only find in the 10 ounce lightweight tartan from Lochcarron. So, yes, it very may well be a custom order or special weave tartan.

    Ard Choille

    Wouldn't the 10 ounce be better as in able to move better in?

  6. #6
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    Personally, I'd never go near the games field with one of my "real" kilts for fear of damage or soiling (I've slipped and slid my way through miles of mud LOL ), but I love my Stillwater kilts for games. I used Sport Kilts for couple of years but wasn't happy with them. I wrestle as well, though, and I was looking for something heavy enough and inexpensive enough to be able to trash when I first found them. That was about 3 years ago and I still wear that first Stillwater and it still looks quite good as a knock-about kilt even though I have abused the crap out of it.

    10 or 11 Oz would allow for a good deal of lift when throwing hammer and stone, but a 10 oz 4 yard would be my choice if I was having one made for games. I agree that heavier weight or more fabric would be pretty cumbersome. I would think that any of the kiltmakers here could set you up with a Morgan 4 yard for a reasonable price.

    I wear a 24" drop Stillwater at games which is actually a smidge too long for my short little troll legs. I wear it high, just above my navel and it breaks at the knee just as any other kilt should.

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  7. #7
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    A 10 ounce light weight kilt is better for warmer climates, and is considerably lighter. However, there is less weight so the kilt is more likely to blow up in the wind,and also you will not have a swing like with the 13 ounce medium weight. I have a St. Patrick tartan in 10 ounce weight which is good for an everyday kilt, but not something I would wear out if going somewhere. Also with 10 ounce there will be more maintenance with it, because being less weight with 10 ounce also requires you to keep the pleats touched up, because they wrinkle more than the 13 ounce medium weight kilts. The best way is to take it too a dry cleaner and have them iron and press your pleats. I am not discouraging you from the 10 ounce, but telling you there is a little more maintenance required with one. The 10 ounce will also hang on you differently, than a 13 ounce medium weight kilt.

    I wish you luck on the Morgan tartan.

    Nice Tartan.

    Ard Choille

    Last edited by ardchoille77; 16th January 07 at 04:54 PM. Reason: didn't answer the question fully

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ardchoille77 View Post
    ... Also with 10 ounce there will be more maintenance with it, because being less weight with 10 ounce also requires you to keep the pleats touched up, because they wrinkle more than the 13 ounce medium weight kilts. The best way is to take it too a dry cleaner and have them iron and press your pleats...Mike
    Mike, I agreed with you up to this point, but the maintenance really is a function of the material and not necessarily the weight of the fabric, although that could also affect it. PV is most readily available in lighter weights, yet they are pretty much maintenance free, and indestructible as well. Check out USAKilts and the feedback from those on the forum that have one, or several.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  9. #9
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    I've made a few kilts for Heavy Events guys and they really appreciate the PV mainly because of its cost if it were seriously damaged it can be replaced with out too much finacial stress compared to ruining your 8yrd 16oz tank.The only issue with PV is it does come in limited tartans. I personally love to wear the PV. There info on PV UsaKilts and myself Canadian Casual Kilts make kilts from this just ask we are here to answer your questions.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior View Post
    Mike, I agreed with you up to this point, but the maintenance really is a function of the material and not necessarily the weight of the fabric, although that could also affect it. PV is most readily available in lighter weights, yet they are pretty much maintenance free, and indestructible as well. Check out USAKilts and the feedback from those on the forum that have one, or several.
    KCW, from all that I have heard over the past few years, the weight of the fabric is a factor when using wool. A 10 oz wool will crease and wringle quite a bit more than a 16 oz. Poly/viscose is lightweight and does is very low maintenance, but let's remember it is not wool so it will behave differently. Weight can be a factor depending on the fabric.

    Morgan, welcome to the forum. I actually just sold a bolt of MacKenzie Morgan wool http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=23477 that could have suited your needs. MacKay or MacKenzie tartans may also be an option for you for their connection to Morgan.

    If you are looking for a lightweight kilt that can still look good, skip the sportkilt and email MacHummell at www.canadiancasualkilts.com (I just picked on up for my son and it's awesome.) or Rocky at www.usakilts.com

    Either of those guys will suit you up in a great looking kilt that will take a beating.

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