Shouldn't that be on black velvet?
Mark Dockendorf Left on the Right Coast
It's embroidered on to the fabric. I would like to thank Kimberly Moore for doing all the work on this. Also her husband Jeff, who made my drawing look better.
Originally Posted by mddock58 Shouldn't that be on black velvet? Yep, but I didn't have black velvet lying around.
Last edited by Warlock; 2nd March 07 at 06:39 AM.
Are you lookin' for trouble?
Not me! I'm just a hunka, hunka burnin' love!
Wow, that second respect for the dead. P.S. Next time he relieves me at the fryer, I'm telling Elvis about this.
Maybe I could make it up to him by making his favourite snack. Fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches!
My wife's pregnant...what did you think I was frying?
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