I just found out about your site (from a man in a kilt!) at the North Texas Irish Festival.

I was telling him about our Dallas area event for Texas Tartan Day.

I am organizing a day out at the ballgame on Friday, April 6th to celebrate Texas Tartan Day with The Frisco Rough Riders. The game is at 7pm and group tickets are available (info below). We have an excellent piper who will play "Take me out to the Ballpark" for the 7th inning stretch. And stay for fireworks after the game!

So bring your friends and family and wear your kilt! Group tix (bullpen $10, home plate seats $15) are available in blocks of 20. Call James McDonald at the Texas Rough Riders for more info at 972.334.1957 or email at jmcdonald@ridersbaseball.com

It might be fun to meet up at a pub beforehand if anyone has the desire!