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  1. #1
    Join Date
    4th March 07
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    Gaelic Translation Help Please?

    So here's the deal, my sweetie and I will be in Ireland next month, and among other things visiting our ancestral castle ruins. I've got a little suprise planned and need to have a couple little somethings translated into Gaelic for an inscription or two.

    "Since forever, until forever" (we've known each other for over 43 years, but have only been a couple for 7)


    "Fire - Passion - Life" (we're both glassblowers)

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd July 06
    Madison, Wisconsin
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    I'll assume you want Irish. I'm new at Gaelige, but here's what I think they might be. You might want to pay somebody to have them translated professionally though.

    "Since forever, until forever"
    "ó i gcónaí, go i gcónaí"

    "Fire - Passion - Life"
    "Tine - paisean - saol"

    Again, I'm just a student.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th March 06
    Ferintosh, Dumfries, Scotland
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    since = prep ó
    since = conj ó

    adv ever since = as sin amach;
    conj ever since = ón uair;
    it's been ages since = is fada ó;
    since then, ever since = ó shin;
    yours sincerely/faithfully/truly = is mise le meas;
    yours sincerely/faithfully/truly = is mise le meas;
    four years have elapsed since ... = tá ... ceithre bliana caite ó ...;
    the number of years which have elapsed since any date = an méid blianta a bheidh caite ó aon dáta áirithe;


    forever = adv go deo
    forever = i gcónaí
    forever = i dtólamh

    until = prep go
    until = go dtí
    until = conj go dtí

    until he comes = go dtiocfaidh sé;
    until now/then = go dtí seo/sin;
    until further notice = go bhfógrófar a mhalairt;
    to run from ... until ... = rith ó .. go dtí ..;
    until the quota is exhausted = go dtí go mbeidh an cuóta idíthe;
    until the expiry of the arrangements = go dtí an dáta a thiocfaidh deireadh leis an gcóras;
    until his successor takes up his duties = go dtí go rachaidh a chomharba i mbun a dhualgas;
    until the transition to the second stage = go dtí go sroichfear an dara céim;
    until the assessment carried out shows... = go dtí go bhfíorófar...;
    until the adjustment ... has been effected = go dtí go mbeidh an coigeartú ... déanta;


    fire = n tine f4
    fire = vt (discharge) scaoil
    fire = gríosaigh
    fire = spreag
    fire = bris
    fire = tabhair an bóthar do
    fire = vi (shoot) scaoil

    on fire = ar thine, le thine, trí thine;
    n firearm = arm tine;
    n fireman = fear dóiteáin;
    n fireplace = iarta;
    npl fireworks = tinte ealaíne;
    n fire alarm = aláram dóiteáin;
    n fire escape = staighre éalaithe;
    n fire brigade = briogáid dóiteáin;
    n fire station = staisiún dóiteáin;
    n electric fire = tine leictreach;
    to set on fire = cur trí thine;
    stay away from the fire = fan amach ón tine;
    stay back from the fire = fan amach ón tine;


    passion = n paisean m1
    passion = páis f2


    life = n beatha f4
    life = saol m1
    life = beocht f3

    (for good) for life = feadh do shaoil;
    for life = le do sholas;
    lifestyle = cineál saoil;
    family life = saol (an) teaghlaigh;
    how's life? = cad é mar atá an saol agat?;
    all his life = ar feadh a shaoil;
    that's life! = is iomaí cor sa saol!;
    that's life! = sin an saol agat!;

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the assist guys!

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