This is to report that the forum upgrade process is complete and we are now running on the latest vBulletin software release.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the downtime. Fortunately, I only had to edit two templates to get us back up and running, so we only were down for a grand total of 30 minutes. (Excuse me while I dance the happy dance ) The other template edits were made on the fly, after the forum was opened back up and only took another 9 minutes to complete. :beer:

For the record, vBulletin released version 3.6.7 on 11 May. We tried to upgrade to that version and hit a brick wall. Before we were able to resolve that issue, vBulletin released version 3.6.7 on 15 May. We once again tried to make that upgrade, but we were still hitting the same wall. And (oh yes, this goes on) before we were able to resolve that issue, vBulletin released version 3.6.7 PL1 on 16 May. So the upgrade process that took place this evening moved us from 3.6.5 through 3.6.6 through 3.6.7 to 3.6.7 PL1.

(I won't mention the fact that I was upgrading my own forums on the day of release. In all three instances. Ah, well...)

If you notice any functions that are not operating or are missing, please contact me via Private Message. Thanks!