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  1. #1
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    Tartan Glengarries

    I never really intended to own a Glengarry, or Bal, or tam or any other such headgear (OK, so that's twice today that I've admitted to the board that I am a Philisitine!), opting for fedoras, slouch hats, tweed driving caps, and even baseball caps. However, now that my son needs one for use with his band, I started looking at all the options out there and started thinking seriously about one for myself, perhaps in a solid color, like Khaki, that would not look like I was impersonating a piper. Then I stumbled upon some made from tartan material.

    My question is...are these modern "gimmick" hats that would mark one as a total know-nothing, or are they a legitimate accessory for one who is well put-together. The reason I am asking is that in the past year of trolling this site I cannot remember a single photo of anyone wearing a tartan Balmoral. This leads me to be cautious, for perhaps I have missed something important.

    I certainly don't want to be the guy strolling around Orlando sporting a pair of mouse ears....
    Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
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  2. #2
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    Generally, you'll find that people recommend not wearing tartan above the waist, except for fly plaids or pipers plaids. Some don't like fly plaids, either.

    I think Glengarries are best left to pipers and military men. If you like the style, though, I think it could look ok with a matching kilt. I would not mix tartans in any circumstance.
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  3. #3
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    Tartan Glens?! Where? HMMM...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beuth Sim View Post
    Tartan Glens?! Where? HMMM...
    Actually one of our forum sponsors, The Celtic Croft is now offering tartan glengarries and balmorals. They are in their most rcent catalogue.

    I think a matching tartan hat can work quite well with a kilt.


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    Edmond Rostand

  5. #5
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    Come on now Jamie, that is just not fair. Is there anything you wear that you can not make work?
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    The cap looks good with the kilt and jacket. IMHO it works because it the only tartan above the waist. I know the tartan police say no tartan above the waist, but I also like the appearance of a matching tartan tie with a kilt.

    Well done Panache!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash_4 View Post
    Come on now Jamie, that is just not fair. Is there anything you wear that you can not make work?
    Actually there's this kilted cowboy outfit....


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  8. #8
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    I totally like that cap matching the kilt. I might have to try and find one when my ancient Grant Hunting kilt arrives. A what's this deal about no tartan above the waist? I think ties and plaids look good. The great kilts (not even going to try the gaelic spelling) had tartan above the waist.

    I think a tartan tam or Balmoral would work with a matching kilt. I agree with Bob C. regarding the Glengarry though, best left to bands and those in the military.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rampant Lion View Post
    ...I think a tartan tam or Balmoral would work with a matching kilt. I agree with Bob C. regarding the Glengarry though, best left to bands and those in the military.
    I really like my black glengarry with red and white dicing. But I do have to be in the right mood to be able to pull it off.


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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    I think a matching tartan hat can work quite well with a kilt.


    After Hamish, IMHO Jamie has about the best fashion sense on the forum, so... what he said.

    I find my glengarry to be a very comfortable cover, but agree that it's not for me for everyday wear - more like special events, games, kilt nights etc. For everyday headwear that goes great with the kilt I like my khaki beret from What Price Glory - The leather headband stays on well w/o being too tight, it protects my shaven pate from the sun. I'm thinking hard about getting the other colors as well.

    Of course, there's nothing wrong with wearing a little tartan on the bias below the waist either .
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