How great is it to see other kilted brethren in your own city? Well I can tell you it's great! I have been, or at least felt like the only kilted guy in town, until tonight. My wife and I went to the Irish festival in town and I saw SIX count them SIX kilts. Three were utilikilts and three traditionals plus my Irish national, so the trads won out. In three years since I've been a kilt wearer I've not run into this many, other than a Highland festival or ren faire. I wear any of my 7 kilts everywhere and rare is the time I have occasioned upon another kilt. I had two men ask me about where to get kilts (an obvious refrence to ths site was needed, as it really depends on the person/need). I don't try to crusade the wearing of kilts I just am comfortable in my own skin, still it was vey nice.