We have installed an add-on that will help keep our members informed of posts or threads that have been moved, edited, etc. Many times a post will be submitted to the wrong forum and one of the staff members will move it. Which works well, as long as that staff member also sends a Private Message to the original posting member, to advise them of the move.

Effective immediately, if any action is taken with a thread or a particular post, there will be an automated Private Message generated. PM's will be auto-generated on the following actions -


Deleted or un-deleted
Opened or closed
Approved or un-approved
Stuck or un-stuck
Title edited


Deleted or un-deleted
Approved or un-approved


Approved or un-approved

These notification messages will be auto-generated, so please do not reply to them.

We hope this will help improve the overall forum experience, here at X Marks the Scot.