I know - it's nearly as momentous as buying my first kilt!

The kilt in question is a Snow Camo NeoKilt in PolyViscose. I do recall picking that one because it could be chucked in the washing machine, but I still checked the website (NeoKilt don't put care tags on their kilts). Yep. In it went, cold water, less detergent than I would normally use. It shared the load with a polar-fleece jumper.

I washed it so late in the day it didn't completely dry on the line, but a few hours in front of the air-conditioner* fixed that problem. Then I found the iron to give it a bit of a pressing. Apart from the relatively unfamiliar shape to iron, that exercise went well. Looks as good as new.


* in heating mode. It's cold in Sydney at the moment. :-p