Kilted at the Moody Blues
I went to see The Moody Blues at the BN (giant tent) pavilion in Boston the other night. wore my U.S.Army Tartan with a nice dark blue shirt (No pic allowed at the Venue) Sorry. The Show was awesome! they played great and harmonised and played most of their old stuff. My sister had seen them a few years ago and felt that their time had pased. I think they are back with a vengence. Has any one at Xmarks seen them recently? If you can, go!
For Me from the min I entered the place it was GAME ON! women complementing me on the look, men giving the nod of approval, I had the pleasure of more hugs and comments from the many single ladies than i can count. One of the bar tenders rememberd me from a Celtic Women concert 3 months ago.
The positive reactions were overwhelming. ...AHHHHH! THE POWER OF THE KILT
Last edited by Richland; 3rd August 07 at 07:43 AM.
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau