7th August 07, 03:05 PM
A Song For Kilts by Robert Service
Just saw this and thought I'd share it
A Song For Kilts
Robert Service
How grand the human race would be
If every man would wear a kilt,
A flirt of Tartan finery,
Instead of trousers, custom built!
Nay, do not think I speak to joke:
(You know I'm not that kind of man),
I am convinced that all men folk.
Should wear the costume of a Clan.
Imagine how it's braw and clean
As in the wind it flutters free;
And so conducive to hygiene
In its sublime simplicity.
No fool fly-buttons to adjust,--
Wi' shanks and maybe buttocks bare;
Oh chiels, just take my word on trust,
A bonny kilt's the only wear.
'Twill save a lot of siller too,
(And here a canny Scotsman speaks),
For one good kilt will wear you through
A half-a-dozen pairs of breeks.
And how it's healthy in the breeze!
And how it swings with saucy tilt!
How lassies love athletic knees
Below the waggle of a kilt!
True, I just wear one in my mind,
Since sent to school by Celtic aunts,
When girls would flip it up behind,
Until I begged for lowland pants.
But now none dare do that to me,
And so I sing with lyric lilt,--
How happier the world would be
If every male would wear a kilt!
7th August 07, 03:26 PM
7th August 07, 03:27 PM
We should adopt it as the anthem for XMTS. Does it have a music score as well?
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
7th August 07, 03:31 PM
Not sure if there is music for it.
7th August 07, 03:37 PM
I've read all of Robert Service's poetry that I've been able to find, but somehow missed that one!
7th August 07, 03:58 PM
Robert Service, one of the better known Scottish poets, did some really memorable writing. I'm fairly sure he didn't provide a score for his poems. More of his work is here:
And here is an earlier XMTS thread about Scottish poets:
"Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
* * * * *
Lady From Hell vs Neighbor From Hell @ [url]http://way2noisy.blogspot.com[/url]
7th August 07, 04:53 PM
Would Service be considered a Scottish or a Canandian poet?
7th August 07, 05:38 PM
Robert Service
Growing up in Alaska, we hear plenty of Robert Service. In fact, I graduated from Robert Service High School nearly three decades ago. But . . . I missed this gem too. Fabulous!
7th August 07, 08:44 PM
He was quite a multi-national, read his bio here.
8th August 07, 06:38 AM
My Grandfather loved Robert Service. He committed the Sam McGee poem to memory. Unfortunately I never got to meet my grandfather, but I have heard many stories, including his impromptu poetry recitals while out on his boat, sitting by campfires or just when his kids looked bored. I knew about this poem, but silly me, I never thought of bringing it up here. I should ask my Mother if she could remember if Granddad ever recited it, it would be a neat way of connecting with him.
And yes my grandfather was a Scot!!
"There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
~Christopher Morley
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