I'm looking to convert one of my dad's old sport coats into a kilt jacket; this jacket is light gray in color and has gold buttons. In fact doing a web search on jacket conversions is how I ended up here. The converted jackets that I have seen here are really great, the explanations and the pictorials are very informative.
Is there any standard for the type of cuff for a Day wear jacket or is mainly a personal preference? As this jacket is a little short in the sleeves (by about 3/4 of an inch), I was thinking of doing a gauntlet style of sleeve just so I could increase the length of the sleeve without it looking so obvious. Does anybody have any good “how-to’ info for doing the gauntlet style cuff? I saw the post were a patch pocket was used to make the “flap” on the sleeve, but since I’m wanting to add to sleeve length, that option is out. If the sleeves were long enough on this jacket, I’d just go with a plain cuff.