Kilts Across America
Dear kilted community. First I want to apologize for breaking a rule. I am sorry. But I do want you to know about something very important. On June 28th two Scottish Gentlemen will set out from NYC to ride across the country in kilts on motorcycles to raise awareness of Moebius Syndrome. This syndrome presents at birth with total facial paralysis. Imagine a child who can not smile, blink, or show any facial emotion at all. When that child sets foot in school for the first time and friendly kids come up to say hello, what will they think when the child can't smile back. You can learn more about Moebius Syndrome by going to www.kiltsacrossamerica.co.uk There is also a U.S. Moebius Foundation who will be working with our two kilted road warriors as they ride from NYC to L.A. Colin Wead's son George suffers from Moebius Syndrome and that is how the Moebius Research Trust was established as an official charity in Scotland. Why Scotland, because they are making great strides in research there. In this country with only about 200,000 people suffering it is not a charity that gets much attention. So why am I letting you know about this. Because they are Scots, they will be outfitted in special kilts made by Howie Nicolby of 21st Century kilts so that when the wind blows high, the Scots will keep their dignity. This is an adventure of discovery and hope. What can you do. Wish them well, maybe follow their route and if you are a kilted biker join them for a while, or greet them in your city or town. Stay tuned as we develope the route across America and when you see a child that can't smile, it may be not because he is unhappy, it maybe because he or she suffers from the sydrome. Your's in tartan. Anne Macpherson.
I know that perhaps a rule has been "bent",but thank you so much for enlightening me.I was, until now, totally ignorant of this syndrome.Good luck chaps.
Dear Jock, Moebius Sydrome is an orphan disease with only about 200,000 Americans afflicted. The reason our two Scotsmen in kilts are doing this is to raise awareness and perhaps help families who are going through what Colin Read's family is going through. I will be posting more details as we map out our exact route, where we will be when and we are looking for a big send off from the St. Andrews Pub in NYC on Saturday, June 28th. Annie
Thank you for making this known. I wish the two kilted riders luck with their ride.
His Noble Excellency Ryan the Innocent of Waldenshire under Throcket
Free Your Legs!
Can I ask what rule is being bent?
13th June 08, 12:10 PM
Kilts Across America
More news about our courages easy riders. They will be leaving St. Andrew's pub 120 West 44th Street on Saturday, June 28th. at 4 P M There will be a big send off and a silent auction including a 21st Century Kilt from Howie Nicholsby, a basket of Scottish Goodies, a dinner for four cooked in your home by the chef of St. Andrews and he supplies the goodies. If you want to Ride for a Smile please go to www.kiltsacrossamerica.co.uk for the route. I hope to see a lot of bonnie knees on the 28th to wish our guys bon chance and good riding. Best, Annie
13th June 08, 05:48 PM
So when the lads blow through Denver, what route will they be taking? I'd be up for riding, or in my case driving, along for a mile or three.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
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