June 28th in Eagle River. Anyone here going? I will be there for sure.
Next year for my bunch.
Wish I could, but I'm too far from home. Have a great time!! Alaska Celtic Pipe and Drums will be there I believe.
tyger, are you from up here?
My dad did 3 tours in Kodiak, and I grew up there, so it's my unofficial hometown. I'm a Coast Guard brat. My parental units reside in Anchorage.
Weather is nice this time of year. Fish are running and good times by all. Don't be a stranger.
I wish I could get home. I'm in DC. My parents are relocating to Phoenix, but I do have family up there still, so maybe one of these years. The last time I got home was 3 years ago and before that 9. =) I plan to move back one day. Maybe, but then life has a funny way of changing plans...like the one that said I'd never move out of Alaska.
That was the time of my life last year... especially playing at McGinley's and leaving at 2:00am to SUNLIGHT!!! All visitors should try those salmon quesadillas! I'm friggin' hooked! (No pun intended)
Arise. Kill. Eat.
I do understand. I've been here 10 years now and love it.
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