17th August 08, 09:45 PM
Looking for a historical costume
Hey everyone.... Not kilt-related so posted in off-topic, but I thought that the rabble might be a good place to ask my question as I know we have a few historical re-enactment-type people lurking about.
I am looking for a 19c U.S. Naval admiral's costume. Specifically, the type worn by Commodore Matthew Perry when he sailed to Japan.
I need it by the last week of September, as I plan to use it in a college class to teach my students. I'm willing to pay a fair amount if I have to (but of course, would prefer not to)... Can anyone point me in the right direction? Finding costumes on the Internet is a horrible, horrible exercise in sifting through reams of cheap, kids' Halloween costumes and other assorted crap that has nothing to do with what I'm after.
Thanks in advance, all.
18th August 08, 02:02 PM
These people may be able to help you; it appears that they make at least some 1852 pattern uniforms.
I found them by Googling "naval reenacting", so you might also have some luck with that search. There don't appear to be nearly as many people doing naval CW recreations, so you may not find a lot, I'm afraid.
"MacDonald the piper stood up in the pulpit,
He made the pipes skirl out the music divine."
20th August 08, 05:33 AM
Try checking with your local SCA and find out what local seamstress and costume shops have to offer. While it is out of the "period" of the SCA, it would not be beyond the ability of a good SCA seamstress.
20th August 08, 06:00 AM
20th August 08, 08:44 AM
Hey there! Well, there are a few Naval reenactors within our realm of reenacting (American Civil War). May I recommend the link below. It's one of the groups that portray ACW Naval forces. There are some links on there, with clothing vendors. Good luck.
I agree with Todd, the Quartermaster Shop is a decent vendor. But, he's not 100% accurate on his quality of workmanship (for period clothing). But, I don't think you're looking for accuracy.
20th August 08, 09:04 AM
Hello from Hollywood, where I am up to "it" at work for another week, at least. Contact Western Costume Company in Los Angeles-- they can rent you everything you need. Sorry I don't have phone/email for WCCo., but I'm doing this between takes and don't have time to research it deeper.
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