The Kilted Wonder responded to a thread about "where to not wear the kilt" with this observation about Colonial Williamsburg:
"Around Colonial Williamsburg: it's a nice walk while kilted, I just get tired of everyone mistaking me for an employee--regardless of shirt or shoes. "Is there ceramics here?" "The college has a great ceramics studio, I dunno about CW..." "You know, if I worked here I'd make an effort to learn a bit more about the place" "As would I...""
...and it reminded me of an opportunity for some creative mischief that I, sadly, took a pass on today. I stopped in the Art Institute of Chicago this afternoon with my daughter in tow. We passed an UN-MANNED information booth at the end of one of the even had a big sign on the desk that said "Ask Me". You can only imagine how tempted I museum personnel in sight...all I had to do was to sit down and look like I knew what I was doing...
"Where are the French Impressionists?"
"France, I should think."
"Where's the mens' room?"
"We don't have'll have to hold it."
"Can you direct me to Edward Hopper's Nighthawks?"
"...oh...that...sorry....not here...sold it on ebay last tuesday...we needed the money 'cause the director is going through a bad divorce and we wanted to take him out drinking..."
...ah, well...if I only had the nerve!