Let me just say that I was BLOWN AWAY by the number of people who responded (and the number of typos we had!). I was truly VERY impressed with the suggestions, corrections, and grammar checking abilities of the members up here.
This was a VERY hard decision. Out of the 18 or so entrants, 9 of them sent reports that were over a page long (some 3 or 4 or 5 pages long)... and most were very detailed.
All that being said, I had to pick a winner. So the winner is:
Galb... contact me to get your Casual Kilt order started.
The rest of the entrants (no matter how long or short your suggestions / corrections list), will be getting a 35% off coupon code for any accessory on our site, once the new site goes live (HOPEFULLY this coming Monday). By "accessory", we mean everything on the site EXCEPT our kilts and kilt packages. Please note that this coupon will be good for about 1 week.
Thank you again to all who participated and sent suggestions. We appreciate the membership here helping us to make a better site.