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  1. #1
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    Kilted Conversations In a Fast Food Place

    Last Saturday morning, my wife and I were running a bit late going to the Williamsburg Scottish Festival, so instead of having breakfast at home, we decided to stop off at a Hardee's fast food place about 12 miles from our home for a biscuit and coffee. It's a typical early morning fast food place for this area, full of retired people taking advantage of the morning senior specials and construction workersstopping off on the way to work. Now, I've been a lot of places around the mostly rural area, kilted, but I'd never been in a fast food place at 7:30 in the morning. The original plan was to go through the drive through, but the line was all the way around the place, so I parked and went inside. As I entered, an older African American gentleman was leaving. He looked at my kilt and asked if I was going somewhere to throw those big logs. I replied that my arthritic knees and back wouldn't allow me to participate, but I was on my way to Williamsburg to attend the Scottish festival and watch others throwing the caber. He asked where it was, and I gave him the location. After that, I got in line at the counter and the man in line ahead of me, again asked if I was going to throw the big logs (it seemed that a lot of people know about highland games, but not the proper terms). When I explained that I didn't participate, but enjoyed watching others, he then asked if I played the pipes. To that I answered, I wish I could, but once again, I'm just a spectator. He got his order and moved on, so I placed my order and stepped over to the coffee pot to fix my coffee while the lady bagged it for me. At the coffee pot, I got a question I'd never heard before. A young black girl (a hardee's employee) said, I like the kilt, are you going to the horse show? The only thing I could trhink of was that she had been to the horse show before and had seen someone there wearing a kilt. Anyhow I told her about the Williamsburg festival, and she said she'd like to go but she had to work.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  2. #2
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    It seems there are quite a few unknowing people who would otherwise enjoy going to the highland games. They would probably do well to advertise such events better.
    Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
    “KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

  3. #3
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    At least people are starting to recognize a kilt from any other skirt.

  4. #4
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgeblack7 View Post
    It seems there are quite a few unknowing people who would otherwise enjoy going to the highland games. They would probably do well to advertise such events better.
    I'm sure they would appreciate your donation for advertising.

    Games organisers can only do so much, George. As someone who served on the board for our local games for three years, I can tell you budgets are small and the local media doesn't always cooperate in terms of publicity.


  5. #5
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    Bad media! No biscut!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    I'm sure they would appreciate your donation for advertising.

    Games organisers can only do so much, George. As someone who served on the board for our local games for three years, I can tell you budgets are small and the local media doesn't always cooperate in terms of publicity.

    speaking only for myself as a radio programmer and morning personality, Most radio stations would jump at most anything that will fill the PSA quota. TV can't do much because they are ususally too ridgid in their programming. And newspapers? Forget it!! But most radio stations I know would gladly do it for free. By-pass the suits in the front office and go straight for the on-airs. We have no highland games in this remote outpost. The closest is Spokane.

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