First of all I apologize for the quality of these pictures. I had taken mine but for some reason the flash decided to die, so all the pictures my wife took were just this shade of totally black. These were taken on a smart phone and emailed to me last night.
This was a customer appreciation night for a local Aveda Salon and distributor. The pictures are of she and I taking a turn around the "dance floor". She had a Sinatra impersonator doing the music, I just could not resist so I got her dancing. I didn't get any of the Mrs. and I but I did pose for two other people with "real" cameras. If I get those sent to me I will post them on this thread so you can see the entire outfit. Blue Clerical Tartan kilt, Black Ghillie shirt, black hose with flashies. I swapped out the belt buckle to a silver turquoise one that I own which matched the silver finish on the sporran. The hat is a calvary style felt with silver conchos, yes the shoes are dark blue crocs.
I answered a lot of questions as to why, to which I mostly responded to with "why not". I think a bout half a dozen folks asked me if I played the pipes, to which I just respond, "no I'm a minister"; They just don't know what to say.
Well that makes two weekends in a row out on the town, why o why did I not find out about all this earlier!