30th April 09, 09:48 AM
Kilt hygiene-the perfect solution
Hi y'all-
I wanted to share my secret for kilt hygiene. I got this idea from being married to a southern belle of Indian ancestry. Indians wear a garment called "kurta pajama",hence where we get the term pajama. Kurtas come all materials, and can be as fancy or plain as you want. What they all share in common is that they fallpast the waist to about mid-thigh. I wear plain cotton kurtas with my kilt for casual and formal events. If you see any picture of me casual dress, i'm wearing one. If you have an Indian store in your city, pop by and ask if they have men's cotton kurtas-most stores stock a few and usually in all sizes. Besides coming down to midthigh and acting as sort of a......underkilt, there is usually nice embroidery around the neck and shoulder. They also come in collarless, which is my preference. Check out ebay also-type in "mens cotton kurta"- you'll get a better idea of what i'm talking about. Just a note, some kurtas fall to below the knee. I've gotten some that were too long, but scissors helped100%!
30th April 09, 02:10 PM
When not regimental I wear Jockey boxer briefs which come in a variety of leg lengths from short to lower thigh, as well as a variety of colors. Having several colors makes it easy to find a pair that roughly matches one of the dominant colors in my kilt so that should there be an unfortunate inadvertent "viewing" it is usually hard to tell if it was underwear or just the kilt. Black or white are also safe albeit less camouflagelike standbys.
Yes some of us have to wear undergarments sometimes, me becasue I work with children or am around them a lot even when not working.
30th April 09, 03:57 PM
 Originally Posted by ForresterModern
Black or white are also safe albeit less camouflagelike standbys.
I think my black pair goes well with my Gordon, though I also have a green pair. I hate white underwear. And I have gotten used to not wearing white socks, just in time for my wife to tell me to stop wearing blue/black socks with kakhi shorts.
30th April 09, 05:20 PM
On those occasions where I might be around the wee uns, or be subject to a possible viewing, I wear coloured briefs of the dominant colour in the kilt, or black, as it is like a dark shadow in passing.
For sanitary reasons, the briefs are also worn with the band issue kilt or any hire kilt.
30th April 09, 06:15 PM
Thanks for the tip. So sometime you wear the kurta under your shirt and other times as a shirt? Can you link to the photos you mentioned?
Best regards,
[B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]
30th April 09, 06:27 PM
So is the kurta like a longtailed shirt?
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
30th April 09, 07:41 PM
I just looked them up on eBay. I like them- a lot. I just don't think I personally could pull the look off... Thank you for the idea though- and the information. I always wondered...
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
30th April 09, 07:56 PM
This is the kind-
Again, you can get them cheaper at the local Indian store (Try haggling if the price is higher than 25.00$)
30th April 09, 08:07 PM
That's an interesting idea. I might have to look into that.
The Barry
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
voca me cum benedictis." -"Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath)
30th April 09, 08:16 PM
Oh those! I once talked to a bloke with one on, he said they are only a few bucks in India, and that is CUSTOM TAILORED! And when he said a few bucks, he meant it as the money was worth a lot more in value than you would believe.
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