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  1. #1
    Join Date
    4th July 09
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    Fly Plaid Question

    I have my daughters wedding next month and have hired one of those all black kilt outfits as my family tartan cant be sourced in the part of England I now live. My question is this, would it be ok to wear hose flashes and a fly plaid in my family tartan (Lindsay) or just the flashes? I do want to have some recognition of my tartan but dont want to look overdone.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Fort Worth, Texas
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    I know some on here aren't big fans of fly plaids, but I think the Lindsay tartan against all black would look really cool. And of course, I support the flashes!
    Fac Et Spera!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    19th March 09
    Astatula Florida
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    Thumbs up

    Is the kilt solid Black? By all means your Fly Plaid would look grand! Weddings are an appropriate settings for it. Pictures please. And congratulations are in order! Wear you family tartan proudly!
    I don't believe the idea is to arrive in heaven in a well preserved body! But to slide in side ways,Kilt A' Fly'n! Scream'en "Mon Wha A Ride" Kilted Santas
    4th Laird of Lochaber, Knights of St Andrew,Knight of The Double Eagle
    Clan Seton,House of Gordon,Clan Claus,Semper Fedilas

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Highlands,Scotland.
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    Well alright I am not a fan of fly plaids , tartan flashes or tartan ties. However, in your particular case, to show your clan connection, a tartan tie should do the trick.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I like fly plaids but limit my wearing of them. I was a guest at a wedding last week and didn't wear one as I wasn't a principal participant.

    As father of the Bride though you would be so go ahead if Bride and Groom are happy with it.
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

    Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
    (Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Skip the flashes. Go with the fly plaid and necktie in Lindsay. Avoid the bowtie and cumberbund. You might have to settle for a long rectangular scarf or sash or square shawl pleated properly instead of a fly plaid. Cheers to the bride & groom!
    "Bona Na Croin: Neither Crown Nor Collar."

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    For reasons beyond my meager Understanding (I'm not part of the Commercial Bridal Industry ) The event has become the brides/bride's mother show. Us guys show up as told and look acceptable. If your daughter/wife is good with it, ware as much tartan as you're comfortable with. It is after all part of the heritage you give to your daughter,

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Marion, NC
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    Are you wearing the black kilt because you can't find one in Lindsay, or is the black a preference to a tartan kilt? With some investigation here on the forum, there might be someone who could loan you a Lindsay kilt for the wedding. I'm not a big fan of all-black kilts, but I think in this case, with the fly plaid and flashes (both), it could look really nice.
    Please post lots of pics, and include one of the cake, too.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

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