Not sure if anyone here is interested in collecting military figures, but I have two figures from this company and the quality is outstanding.
C.P.Rogerson Kwajalein Atoll, Republic Marshall Islands
That would be a neat set to have!
Scott D McKay * The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits *
I have started collecting military figures in a small way. I have found eBay to be a good source. If you search 'kilt' and then from the drop-down 'militaria', there are usually quite a few. Resin not metal, also a slightly different size - but a good addition never the less. Regards Chas
King and country have a shop on Hong Kong Island. I've been in it a couple of times, I always regret not getting the Black Watch colour party when I was there in 2003. Would have been great to have, discontinued now
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