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  1. #1
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    Many Kilted Trips and Much More.

    So, It's been awhile since I last posted anything here, I kind of got lazy. So, the past month or 2 of my summer away from college has proven to hold some interesting kilted outings. Around the house I rarely wear a kilt lately because I ruin my pleats and I sit on my laptop on my bed mostly, so sitting around kilted is fairly pointless right now. However, I have barely made any outing in pants or shorts. Anyway, I thought I'd share some recent pictures and stories with you all.

    The first major trip I took was with my family to Minnesota for a Car Convention and to go to the massive car show/cruise night that is called "Back to the 50's." I was kilted most every day there and not too many comments but of course there were plenty of odd stares and whatnot. My dad commented as we were walking through Back to the 50's (there were ~11,000 cars there, all older than 1964) that he noticed some women "checking me out" as it were, but I can't say I noticed it. Also, a bonus on this trip was we stopped at a thrift store by our first hotel stay and I found a virtually unused wool top hat for $1... and I had been wanting one, so I got it, and, as you'll see, I wear it quite often kilted.

    Most of the pictures I have of me kilted on this trip got slightly messed up after I uploaded them to my computer but they'll have to do. You get the basic idea.

    (at the Mall of America)

    About a few days after we got back, I booked a flight out to Pittsburgh to visit my girlfriend for a week and a half since I won't be seeing her back at school until mid-November because she'll be studying in Germany. So a few weeks ago now I strapped on my USAK casual since it had no metal and decided to try flying kilted. I had only flown once (twice if you count the return trip) before back on my visit to Pittsburgh around my Spring Break. I must say, going through the airport and security kilted was an adventure. I had no hassle at all but I got plenty of stares and a few comments such as "wow, I haven't seen one of those things in about 5 years" coming from an airport employee. While in Pittsburgh I wore the kilt whenever my girlfriend and I went somewhere, only we didn't get to do as much as planned because, while there her cousin, her cousin's boyfriend, and their 14 month old boy were involved in a serious car wreck. (her cousin and her boyfriend should be alright, but they were seriously injured and will be hospitalized for quite awhile still, but thank goodness 14 month old Sonny was unharmed save for some scratches and bruises.) We did , however, manage to go to the movies, the zoo, and Kennywood amusement park (although I wore shorts for Kennywood). All in all it was a good time, however, I have no pictures of much since my girlfriend's camera was in use by her aunt to take pictures of the car from the accident and upload them for insurance claims so we didn't have access to picture taking.

    Finally, yesterday I went to Chicago with some friends of mine and we went to some Lilly Garden(s), Lincoln Park Zoo, and the Art Institute. It was a perfect day for a kilt and I wore my USAK casual (as it has become my perfect summer/nice weather kilt). The day was pretty normal until we got to the Art Institute. Once there, I was very quickly asked by a random woman what I had "under there" to which I swiftly replied with my favorite "shoes and socks" quip and she kept walking. We wandered around a bit, and on the way out, I was approached by a man who was probably around 45 years old with a camera who grabbed my arm and said, "WOAH! That is so cool, I never see those things! Can I get a picture of you?" So I said sure, and he took it, then asked one of my friends to take a picture of him with his "new buddy." Never before have I met someone so enthused by the kilt. It was quite a surprise. I never got his name or anything but it sure was strange. We then headed back to the train station. On our way to catch our train a woman behind me on the escalator bluntly asked "Hey, Kilt guy, are you wearing underwear?" and her friend started laughing and saying to her "oh my god, you shouldn't ask that." Taken aback slightly I was at a loss for a good quip, so I replied "Well, I have shoes and socks on, the rest is for me to know." As we walked out to where the tracks are, we were greeted by, ironically, a large lit ad for the newly opened Chicago Tilted Kilt, and had to get a picture with the ad, haha. We got on the train only to find that those two women were also on the same car as us... seated below me... within eye-shot of my legs, so I made sure to sit quite cautiously. I kept checking on what they were doing on the ride home and until they got off they had been looking up, talking to one another, looking up, talking, and repeating the cycle.

    It was a very good, and strange day and there's some fun pictures of the day.

    (I made myself an exhibit at the Art Institute... haha)

    (The Tilted Kilt ad, the picture is pretty dark 'cause the area is not lit very much.)

    Well, those have essentially been my adventures as of late. I'll be back at school in a pretty much a week and a half now and I'm sure I'll have more tales and many kilted days once I get back!

  2. #2
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Great pics!
    I wondered what the reaction at a big car show like BTTF's would be. I'm hoping to get back there with my hotrod in a couple of years, and doing the trip kilted would be so much better!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Kilt View Post
    Great pics!
    I wondered what the reaction at a big car show like BTTF's would be. I'm hoping to get back there with my hotrod in a couple of years, and doing the trip kilted would be so much better!
    I half expected to run into you there actually, haha.

  4. #4
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    I like the top hat. It's a nice quirk in the outfit. Good pics.

  5. #5
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    Cool adventure, for some reason I love the get happy shot.
    Glen McGuire

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thebigeman77 View Post
    I half expected to run into you there actually, haha.
    Sadly we won't be attending that event for at least another 2 years. I have some major updates to do to the hotrod before we can drive it that far. Right now I won't go more than a couple of hours away from home with it, and trailering is not an option. When we do decide to make the trip I'll definitely post about it here first.

  7. #7
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    Glad you enjoyed Minnesota. Hope you make it back to Mall of America soon.
    A proud Great-Great Grandson of the Clan MacLellan from Kirkcudbright.

    "Think On!"

  8. #8
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    great pics!
    It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom -- for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.

  9. #9
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    Good pics! Thanks!
    "Before two notes of the theme were played, Colin knew it was Patrick Mor MacCrimmon's 'Lament for the Children'...Sad seven times--ah, Patrick MacCrimmon of the seven dead sons....'It's a hard tune, that', said old Angus. Hard on the piper; hard on them all; hard on the world." Butcher's Broom, by Neil Gunn, 1994 Walker & Co, NY, p. 397-8.

  10. #10
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    The kilted life is grand. You are enjoying it immensely it seems!

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