8th November 09, 02:15 PM
What tartan do the SCOTS units wear?
Sorry I missed this previously but what tartan do the new SCOTS units wear?
G Koch
Bachelor Farmer
8th November 09, 02:23 PM
It's the Government Sett/ Black Watch/ Campbell/ Hunting Grant, but woven in shades which are a bit lighter than previous iterations.
The pipers for each battalion continue to wear kilts in their former regimental tartans.
See the following link for specifics:
8th November 09, 02:32 PM
Well thanks for the prompt reply!
G Koch
Bachelor Farmer
8th November 09, 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by g koch
Sorry I missed this previously but what tartan do the new SCOTS units wear?
I believe this is the new tartan named Government 1A
as per this article:
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
8th November 09, 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Standard
I don't believe this is correct. The old Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders tartan had the same thread-count as the "Black Watch" version, but the colors used were lighter shades. If you look carefully at the linked image, the sett is repeated once between every two adjacent green fields. In the true "Black Watch" tartan, it takes three green fields to replicate the full sett. In other words, the pattern in the blue field is first one black over-stripe then two black over-stripes, rather than two black over-stripes per every blue field.
Sorry if this explanation is confusing.
8th November 09, 08:11 PM
Hi there
Basically the Argylls' tartan for R&F (rank and file) has always been same as the Black Watch, but designated Government 1A rather than the Black Watch Government 1. Argylls' officers used to wear a lighter shade of the same tartan, but in more recent times wear the Black Watch dark shade also. But they maintained their panel of ribbons and embroidery etc on the apron edge plus the one on the rear of the kilt. I have an Argylls' R&F kilt at home and the sett is very hard to see. It was said that the Black Watch kilt was pleated to show the blue tones whilst the Argylls' kilt was arranged to show the green tones. As you probably know, the Watch wore knife pleats whilst the Argylls wear box pleats.
The kilt worn by the Royal Regiment of Scotland today is the Argylls’ 1A kilt with box-pleats, but re-designed to highlight the sett better and show off the green stripes, more like a traveling rug in effect.
I have a photo I’ll try to upload soon.
The No 1 dress uniform is:-
1. NO 1 DRESS.
Items of Uniform Officers WOs SNCOs ORs Remarks
Headdress Lowland Glengarry with Cockfeather.
Jacket and buttons (6 large, 18 small) Archer Green barathea doublet of Scottish Division pattern.
Large anodized Regimental buttons on front. Small anodized Regimental anodised buttons on cuffs, skirts and backwaist. Gold russia for Officers White russia for Other Ranks.
Rank Issued (HLDRS pattern) green backed, gold shoulder cords with black thread and green backing. 1” rank stars and crowns. Gold braid with green backing.
Shirt White collarless with gold cufflinks. Green T-Shirt.
Collar Dogs RS officers pattern Gold embroidered thistle. RS other ranks Brass thistle. Pattern No 21980 (but with Cuidich N’Righ motto).
Cross Belt White plastic Cross Belt.
4” x 3” Brass plate of Regimental Crest
Two slings with loops and studs.
Waist Belt White issue plastic waist belt with brass plate with superimposed regimental Cap badge. SNCOs, ORs with Bayonet frogs.
Sash Crimson issue sash. Red issue sash. Red issue sash. _
Gloves White Cotton.
Kilt Govt 1A Tartan (Tailors/ Officers) Pattern No TBC. Boxed pleats.
Kilt Rosettes Yes Yes Yes No
Sporran White hair with two black tassels, HLDRS bells at top of tassels, and white leather belt and BW cantle.
Hose Tops Footless stocking black and red dicing.
Flashes Highland scarlet flat flashes.
Gaiters HLDRS pattern. Long white canvas with 8 black buttons. High point in the back, black leather strap under instep, secured by two black buttons on each side.
Sgian Dubh Regimental sgian dubh with Capbadge. No sgian dubh.
Shoes Highland, brogue, black
Accoutrements Highland Broadsword Full basket
Plated Scabbard Rosewood Pace Stick Rifle and Bayonet. Rifle and Bayonet.
If you work your way through, when you see the likes of yes yes yes no, that refers to officers/senior nco's/nco's/o.r's
8th November 09, 08:28 PM
Nervous Jock had a photo posted somewhere, with him wearing the new overnment sett.. it is definately a much lighter coloring than the traditional Black Watch.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
9th November 09, 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by Lachlan09
As you probably know, the Watch wore knife pleats whilst the Argylls wear box pleats.
The kilt worn by the Royal Regiment of Scotland today is the Argylls’ 1A kilt with box-pleats, but re-designed to highlight the sett better and show off the green stripes, more like a traveling rug in effect.
When you say Box pleats, I'd assume you aren't talking about the Matt Newsome made type of box pleat, but rather the style that is basically a knife pleat with the knife edge folded back onto itself to make a small flat on the reveal. I forget what I've heard it referred to before??? Regimental Box Pleat maybe??
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine
Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921
9th November 09, 01:27 AM
That's right, not the Newsome variety, the narrow variety you mentioned.
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