This evening I'm watching "Taking Chance".

Now, I've done a fair number of funeral escort missions (PGR). I've known a few CAO's, and each was a marvelous person with tremendous Heart and dedication to his and her trust.

I've stood in the sun, in the rain, in the heat and in the cold. I've listened to widows sobbing stories, opened doors, hugged a General or two (saying "Stay safe, Soldier"), and stood as a barrier to news team cameras and the once against the WBC.

I have never, though, been exposed to the dynamics of a Soldier coming home as portrayed in this movie. Yes, I know it's just a movie... and I'm a INTENSE "stickler" for the truth in historical movies... but I've found it very moving (only about 30 minutes into it so far).

Somehow I think it's appropriate to say that I wish EVERY Citizen would be caused to see this movie. Just in quiet respect for the sacrifice that some of our troops have made, and for the service that others perform in bringing them "Home".

We have some amazing people in uniform.

If you haven't yet seen it... Please Do!

Jim aka kiltiemon