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  1. #1
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    Post St Andrews First Aid Ceilidh

    here are some photos from saturday nights charity ceilidh at the st Andrews first aid headquarters in Glasgow ,
    for those unsure what the st Andrews first aid association do they are the main medical aid for anyone at football games /concerts /festivals and other major events without these people attending such functions unless covered by other medical support then most of the events i mentioned wouldn't happen ,
    they are also trained in the events of national disaster's also.... for example my father would be in charge of the coatbridge region for medical aid in the event of a air disaster or rail crash until the main authority's submit medical teams from the main hospital's police force and so on
    they have these ceilidh once a year usually around st Andrews day my fathers been with the first aid for about 20 years and my grandfather before him Ive no wish to follow there footsteps to be honest but i admire what they do my brother sister and a few other members of family's are part of the first aiders for the region thanks to the first aid training my brother has since became a paramedic recently but still does the first even though he works 12 hr days

    these pictures are mainly random to give you a snapshot of what it was like heres 10 of the 140 photos i got
    myself and my partner

    there mightve been only 3 guys in this band but i can assure you they certainly got the folk moving the power for the music felt like there was at least 6 fellas on stage

    a wee action shot these folk where fairly moving at some pace lol

    this is actually my grandmother (centre front) and her two sisters all over there 80s i might add also my mother and her sister in this image

    my old man having his tash shaved off by the highest bidder 50 quid he got aswell lol these women wanted more than his tash off i can assure i had to intervine to stop my pop being stripped in front of everyone lol

    this is myself ,finally got to wear my new brogues /hose and garters i went with a black shirt as i felt it was a modern addition to a older style of dress that i thought i had portrayed with being more traditional with the bottom half i left the belt at home i just couldnt be arsed wearing it to be honest(somewhat tipsy)

    another crazy dance these folk where swinging each other about something silly i was amazed at the force and power of some of the Scottish dances

    some more action shots

    the auld lang syne part at the end of the night where everyone starts of in a circle then moves in and out and before you know it some wild men start swinging off each other ........ some sight indeed

    heres a link for more data on st Andrews first aid

    Last edited by skauwt; 30th November 09 at 07:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for the photos.
    Best Regards,

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Displaced 3rd generation Californian now residing in the "old" State of Jefferson, USA
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    Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Looks like a fun evening !


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

  5. #5
    MacKay71's Avatar
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    looks like a whole lotta fun!!!
    Scott D McKay

    * The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits *

  6. #6
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    looks like a fun time indeed

  7. #7
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    Lotta white hose goin' on there...

    Just wanted to say that I thought your kit was right smart- especially your new brogues (I'm definitely envious). And the Chisolm is one of the handsomest tartans I've seen, especially in the weathered colours! I think you did right leaving the belt at home, too. Guid on ye!

    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

  8. #8
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    Very nice !

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deil the Yin View Post
    Just wanted to say that I thought your kit was right smart- especially your new brogues (I'm definitely envious). And the Chisolm is one of the handsomest tartans I've seen, especially in the weathered colours! I think you did right leaving the belt at home, too. Guid on ye!

    thanks wesley your comment has made my day thankyou
    ive been pondering on wheather to forgot about the belt wearing in future as i actually felt more comfortable without it my kilt waist is actually 28" so (i think ) i get away with not wearing one being such a slinky fella

  10. #10
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    Very Welcome...

    Quote Originally Posted by skauwt View Post
    thanks wesley your comment has made my day thankyou
    ive been pondering on wheather to forgot about the belt wearing in future as i actually felt more comfortable without it my kilt waist is actually 28" so (i think ) i get away with not wearing one being such a slinky fella
    My pleasure, sir! I was gonna say that I haven't worn a belt with my kit in several years, probably, and I never wear one if I've on a waistcoat. It's safe to say that being slender makes the kilt fit a lot better, regardless, so why would you need a belt unless it just looks that good/better? And from what I've seen, the belts rarely improve the look due to being worn sloppily... although in my case, when I wear my 8yd MacGregor of Cardney (hunting) tank without a waistcoat, I sometimes like to wear my 3" belt in order to balance out my proportions, myself being particularly long waisted and the kilt made to wear high etc.

    I wanted to ask about your tartans, too: it looks as though your sweety is wearing the weathered Chisholm, and I would guess that yours is the hunting? I wonder because it also appears that both tartans have the very same sett??? I know most hunting tartans differ in both sett and colour from the "clan" tartan, although my MacGregor is at least one exception- ours simply changes from a red to a maroon/wine/burgundy background.

    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

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