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  1. #1
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    British style poppy for November 11.

    Does anyone in Canada, or Eastern North America in general, have a source for the British style of Remebrance Day poppy? These are slightly different than the Canadian version and I wear one for a specific purpose. My past source for them, the High Commission, seems to be in a state of flux right now and I'm a little nervous about getting one. This is not a phishing effort to get one mailed to me- I can easily do without- just a minor personal tradition. But I see them around so they must be available somewhere.
    Last edited by Lallans; 1st November 10 at 11:22 AM. Reason: over-corrected spelling, corrected back

  2. #2
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    I can't say if it's exactly the same, but I would assume it's similar considering the inspiration and origin of the tradition is the same. The American Legion Auxiliary gives away poppies for Veterans Day. Here is a link:


    They are free, though a good will offering would be appreciated. Proceeds all go toward programs for disabled vets. Many of the poppies are also made by disabled vets.

    Hope that helps.
    The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank.

  3. #3
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    If you PM or e-mail me, bmfraser@gmail.com , I have a spare one (for which I made a donation) which I can post to you tomorrow (it's already twenty past five pm here as I'm writing this).

    If it helps, I'd be honoured



  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whidbey78 View Post
    I can't say if it's exactly the same, but I would assume it's similar considering the inspiration and origin of the tradition is the same. The American Legion Auxiliary gives away poppies for Veterans Day. Here is a link:


    They are free, though a good will offering would be appreciated. Proceeds all go toward programs for disabled vets. Many of the poppies are also made by disabled vets.

    Hope that helps.
    Are you referring to the small paper or plastic lapel pin flowers that people in the British Commonwealth wear in November to commemorate our veterans? I'm quite often in the USA at that time and have never seen anyone but Canadians wearing them- when I get questioned about them people seem to leave more confused than enlightened, too, even after I started carrying a CAN$10 bill around to show them the poem.
    Last edited by Lallans; 1st November 10 at 01:49 PM. Reason: corrected denomination of bill in question.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    This is what you're on about, I'd imagine:




  6. #6
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    That's weird - I thought I replied - try again.

    If anyone would like a British poppy I can go out and find a seller easily enough and send them off at the post office.

    I bought one yesterday. They are just two petals on a green stick with a barb - it goes through my blue bonnet easily enough and then sticks there due to the barb.

    The usual time for Air Mail should get them to Canada and the US in 4 or 5 days - I send quite a few items overseas.

    Send me a PM with contact details

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    Are you referring to the small paper or plastic lapel pin flowers that people in the British Commonwealth wear in November to commemorate our veterans? I'm quite often in the USA at that time and have never seen anyone but Canadians wearing them- when I get questioned about them people seem to leave more confused than enlightened, too, even after I started carrying a CAN$5 bill around to show them the poem.
    Sadly, most folks just don't know about it. Even more depressing is that there are many who would rather not show support openly for fear of looking too "right-wing" or "Pro-war" when it's about support and remembrance of the people--the vets--and not the political mumbo-jumbo. I won't get on my soapbox...

    The Legion Auxiliary has been doing it since its inception, which if memory serves is between WWI and WWII. The American Legion itself dates to 1919, but I'm not up to speed on the ALA's history. Now that I think of it, the Poppies are usually out around Memorial Day not Veteran's Day as I was thinking earlier...still hadn't had my morning coffee.

    My mother is ALA Unit President in her town, and my father is the Post Commander--for about ten years now they won't let him rest--I'll give them a call and see if they have a few on hand. If they do I'll PM you and just send a couple your way.
    The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank.

  8. #8
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    I know this isn't in the region you asked for but it may help others

    The poppy tradition is less well known in the States, but I was surprised to hear that my kids school group were putting together a Veterans day presentation that would include Poppys for all the Vets.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whidbey78 View Post
    Sadly, most folks just don't know about it. Even more depressing is that there are many who would rather not show support openly for fear of looking too "right-wing" or "Pro-war" when it's about support and remembrance of the people--the vets--and not the political mumbo-jumbo. I won't get on my soapbox...

    The Legion Auxiliary has been doing it since its inception, which if memory serves is between WWI and WWII. The American Legion itself dates to 1919, but I'm not up to speed on the ALA's history. Now that I think of it, the Poppies are usually out around Memorial Day not Veteran's Day as I was thinking earlier...still hadn't had my morning coffee.

    My mother is ALA Unit President in her town, and my father is the Post Commander--for about ten years now they won't let him rest--I'll give them a call and see if they have a few on hand. If they do I'll PM you and just send a couple your way.
    Here in Canada, now that amputee veterans are not needing the financial support, poppy sales fund a charity for amputee children- they buy the kids lifelike and advanced prosthetics- so anyone who takes the war-mongering view you allude to, and some do, is not only a crummy (crumby?) citizen but also seriously misguided.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    Here in Canada, now that amputee veterans are not needing the financial support, poppy sales fund a charity for amputee children- they buy the kids lifelike and advanced prosthetics- so anyone who takes the war-mongering view you allude to, and some do, is not only a crummy (crumby?) citizen but also seriously misguided.
    The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank.

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