I have taken one step toward a kilt by ordering several swatches. They are coming Royal Mail so I will also get some jonesing practice. I ordered several Morrison including red muted, and hunting modern, ancient and weathered. I also ordered Ulster weathered (the HOE dark version), Scottish Odyssey, and three of my wife’s favorites: MacRae hunting ancient, Gordon weathered, and MacDonald of Clanranald muted. Let the petit jonesing begin.
Clan Morrison NA http://cmsna.x10host.com/ Clan Morrison AU http://www.clanmorrison.com.au/
I received two swatches from HOE. The red and brown in the Ulster weathered are nice but overall the contrast is very low. It is a “safe” fallback but the more I think about it the less I like it as a first kilt. The colors in the McDonald of Clanranald muted are beautiful and the pattern is terrific, but I am becoming corrupted by the traditionalists and leaning away from another clan's tartan as a first kilt. The McElmurry to Morrison connection seems quite sound and I am feeling more and more that I should follow that path. A voice in my head keeps repeating, “The kilt chooses the man, Mr. McElmurry. It’s not always clear why.”
Last edited by McElmurry; 26th March 11 at 09:54 AM.
Good for you doing your homework and getting a kilt that you will be head over heels for. Have fun!
Originally Posted by Cowher Good for you doing your homework and getting a kilt that you will be head over heels for. Have fun! Thanks for the support. I figure I am only going to buy my first kilt once.
Originally Posted by McElmurry I figure I am only going to buy my first kilt once. Not me! I'm gonna buy my first tank kilt, then my first State of California kilt, then my first semi-trad kilt, then... I think you get the idea!
MEMBER: Kilted Cognoscenti
After a month I now have 14 swatches. Lesson learned. It is much faster and more economical to request swatches directly from the mills. Second lesson learned is the colors of e-swatches depicted on web sites can be very misleading. One of my favorite tartans out of the 14 looked horrible on the computer.
So have you narrowed it down to one? Or even a few?
Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one. Colossians 4:6
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