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Thread: Modern Kilts?

  1. #1
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    Modern Kilts?

    Hello all,
    I am new here. I found this site while looking for my second kilt online. I bought my first at a convention from Utilikilts. I love it and think its the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    Now I am looking to increase my kilt wardrobe but I don't want to put down the same amount of cash as my first if I can avoid it. I mean my current kilt is the most expensive piece of clothing I own now.

    So searching around I found this place:


    The site makes them look good and the price makes them look better, has anyone used them before, or have recommendations on where to find a kilt similar to Utilikilts for a little less in cost?

    Appreciate the help

  2. #2
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    Look at altkilt, a bit more money but custom made to your size and specification. Cheaper and much better than a Utilikilt. I have the heavy cotton twill and it is a solid material, definitely not lightweight material. AltKilt is also a forum advertiser.

  3. #3
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    See this thread: http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...idering-66709/

    Ut Kilts sells the same modern kilt as the "got kilt" website and is much cheaper.

    By the way, welcome to X-Marks.
    Regards, Bill McCaughtry

  4. #4
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    My experience was starting with Utilikilts - had 15 of them once. As I bought more traditional kilts I found myself going that way - now only have a leather Utilikilt, "outgrew" the rest but prefer hand sewn wool kilts now. Course I'm an old geezer and Utilikilts may look better on you.

    In shopping remember - you can have any two of Price, Quality, or Service.

    That mocha Survival II does attract me though...would have one today except when I was weak and called to order it no one answered the phone in Seattle - go figure....so got through that challenge. Still.....
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
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    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  5. #5
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    I personally swear by Amerikilt. They're excellent modern kilts for half the price of Utilikilts.


    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  6. #6
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    My personal preference is Alpha Kilts.

    The only criticism I have is their tendency to design the front apron too narrow. I have a long stride, and the apron seems to bunch up between my legs. If I wanted that effect, I'd wear p@n+$. But overall, I was very satisfied with the workmanship, quality of material and fit. Oh yes, the price--quite a bit less expensive than most modern kilts on the market, and some of their models look quite traditional. Also, the pleating is better engineered than other similar kilts I've examined. There's nothing worse than pleats that curl up or develop unsightly creases in them.

    Just my two cents' worth.....
    EPITAPH: Decades from now, no one will know what my bank balance looked like, it won't matter to anyone what kind of car I drove, nor will anyone care what sort of house I lived in. But the world will be a different place, because I did something so mind bafflingly eccentric that my ruins have become a tourist attraction.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koric View Post
    Hello all,
    I am new here. I found this site while looking for my second kilt online. I bought my first at a convention from Utilikilts. I love it and think its the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    Now I am looking to increase my kilt wardrobe but I don't want to put down the same amount of cash as my first if I can avoid it. I mean my current kilt is the most expensive piece of clothing I own now.

    So searching around I found this place:


    The site makes them look good and the price makes them look better, has anyone used them before, or have recommendations on where to find a kilt similar to Utilikilts for a little less in cost?

    Appreciate the help
    They look OK, but I didn't like it when I tried one on. My first kilt was bought at their booth at the Saline Celtic Festival last year. Utilikilts were what peaked my interest initially, and I was looking at the Original. The people at the Got-Kilt tent tried getting me in one of those modern kilts you linked, and it just didn't feel right. Didn't feel like it would move right. Ended up walking away from their booth with the olive green UK Original I went there looking at. I only have modern kilts currently, and I prefer the feel of that kilt. I find that the Mocker tends to have the pockets designed in just a way that items in them poke my legs, and my 1st x-kilt, well, the aprons open a bit more than I like. (I'm putting a hidden pleat under the over apron in #2, and pleating the under apron to allow for it to cover better)
    Last edited by kc8ufv; 1st June 11 at 10:07 AM. Reason: clarity

  8. #8
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    Thanks everyone for your advice and suggestions, I will definetly look into these.

    Does anyone know the quality of the Modern Kilts (as they are the cheapest I have seen)

  9. #9
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    Utility Kilts (i.e. 'Modern Kilts') that are made in American and Canada and I can highly recommend... in Alphabetical order to be fair:

    www.Freedomkilts.com (THE OWNER, Steve, ALSO OWNS THIS FORUM)
    www.utilikilts.com (which you already know about)

    Beware of things / prices that look 'too good to be true'. They usually are.

    The ones that "UT Kilts" sells are made in Pakistan. "Got Kilt" sells kilts from Utilikilts (they wholesale for them) as well as ones made in Pakistan.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Utility Kilts (i.e. 'Modern Kilts') that are made in American and Canada and I can highly recommend... in Alphabetical order to be fair:

    www.Freedomkilts.com (THE OWNER, Steve, ALSO OWNS THIS FORUM)
    www.utilikilts.com (which you already know about)

    Beware of things / prices that look 'too good to be true'. They usually are.

    The ones that "UT Kilts" sells are made in Pakistan. "Got Kilt" sells kilts from Utilikilts (they wholesale for them) as well as ones made in Pakistan.
    Rocky is so correct! That's why I always recomend Amerikilt. Their prices are excellent, and they're made in America! Not to mention good quality. It used to be that the material they used wrinkled like crazy, and my black one is that older material. But my green one is a new material that they started using, and it holds it's shape much better!!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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