Mmmmmm I have never seen an outfit like that. I am not sure I would wear it unless I have to when I get to Heaven and then it would come with nice white angel wings.
Na... I have me doubts I will need to wear all white. A Fiery Red maybe and I they may have that in the other place.
Lang may your lum reek and a wee mouse never leaves your cupboard with a tear in its eye.
I believe we have just found the terminal stage of the dreaded matchy matchy disease. I must say that with this picture being taken outdoors they must have taken the picture within seconds of the model being dressed or surely the ensemble couldn't look that shockingly pure white for long. Surprised none have chimed in to say that the white hose only makes it worse. Though I am sure no one would confuse this with a kilt rental because a company owner would have to be insane to expect to rent this out and have it come back without being completely ruined.