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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Pipe band uniform: I need a new shirt

    Does anyone have experience with the Blauer 8135 Knit Short Sleeve Zippered Shirt. It has what's called B.Cool fabric that reminds me of wicking shirts that I have owned in the past.

    If you would like please recommend a shirt that looks like this that you personally love.

    Here is the link:
    Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Pipe band uniform: I need a new shirt

    Seems a bit of overkill to my mind.

    8135 Knit Short Sleeve Zippered Shirt



    • Unique 10.5 oz. bicomponent B.COOL® fabric combines the
    • comfort of cotton on the inside and the “no fade” polyester
    • on the outside
    • Hidden zipper front closure with mock buttons
    • Pleated patch pockets secure with hook and loop fastener
    • Traditional 5-crease military style (stitched)
    • Knit sport collar made with same fabric as body for true colormatching
    • Reinforced epaulets secure microphones
    • Badge eyelets with internal support strap

    Fabric: Bicomponent
    Blend: 35/65
    Weave: Knit
    Washable: Yes
    Two layers of fabric - won't that be hot?
    Why have a zip? What's wrong with just buttons?
    Velcro on the pockets. What's wrong with just buttons?
    Why stitched creases? Why not iron?
    I don't know what they mean by a sport collar, but can you wear a tie with it?
    How often will you be using microphones?
    Where are the badge eyelets?

    A very nice shirt which has been designed for law enforcement, but I think you would be paying for a host of features that you will never need nor want.

    If it is uniform, everybody has to be the same. What does the rest of the band wear?



  3. #3
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    Re: Pipe band uniform: I need a new shirt

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    Seems a bit of overkill to my mind.

    Two layers of fabric - won't that be hot?
    Why have a zip? What's wrong with just buttons?
    Velcro on the pockets. What's wrong with just buttons?
    Why stitched creases? Why not iron?
    I don't know what they mean by a sport collar, but can you wear a tie with it?
    How often will you be using microphones?
    Where are the badge eyelets?

    A very nice shirt which has been designed for law enforcement, but I think you would be paying for a host of features that you will never need nor want.

    If it is uniform, everybody has to be the same. What does the rest of the band wear?


    First: I'm asking because I want a shirt that will be cool. The Blauer shirt said it was B.Cool. I didn't know if it actually was cool.

    Second: I didn't design the shirt nor to I care if it has zippers, buttons, snaps, or Velcro. All I want is a shirt that looks like the navy blue shirt that I posted a link to that is breathable and cool my current shirt is dense and HOT!!! My pipe band doesn't care if the shirt has a different brand as long as it looks like all the rest.
    Oh and why would I wear a tie with that shirt?
    U-G-L-Y I would have no alibi.

    I don't like my uniform but it's better that the last band I was in.

    Do you have experience with shirts like the one I posted Chaz? If so please let me know your recommendation for the coolest and most comfortable product style.

    Anyone else have suggestions? Pipers? Firefighters? Police?
    Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Pipe band uniform: I need a new shirt

    I am sorry Cowher, I totally misunderstood your requirements. Please accept my apologies.



  5. #5
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    Re: Pipe band uniform: I need a new shirt

    Certainly that's not the style of shirt most pipe bands wear.

    Around the world, the vast majority of serious competition pipe bands follow the style of the world's top bands, the Grade One bands.

    This year, both in the Qualifiers and Finals of Grade One of the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, every single band was wearing black (or extremely dark blue, or extremely dark grey) waistcoats, ordinary dress shirts, and neckties.

    Though an number of Grade One bands around the world are Police bands- Strathclyde Police, Fife Constabulary, New Zealand Police, Peel Regional Police, etc etc, none of them wear police style shirts, but wear waistcoats and ordinary civilian dress shirts. (Many of the members of these bands are policemen, but they wear their police uniform while on police duty, never in the pipe band.)

    Anyhow you have to wear what your band tells you to wear, of course. I'm just pointing out that serious higher-level competition pipe bands don't dress like that.

  6. #6
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    Re: Pipe band uniform: I need a new shirt

    Oh I know OC. It's not my pick but until I can play well enough to go to a pipe band of my choosing I'm stuck.

    Chaz no worries.

    I think I'll just have to take the leap and see how it goes.
    Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
    Colossians 4:6

  7. #7
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    Re: Pipe band uniform: I need a new shirt

    I am the Drum Major and Quartermaster for my pipe band...a few years back we switched to a military style uniform. I searched high and low for uniform shirts. I had a few simple requirements; light weight, washable and inexpensive. Most of the "pipe band" uniform shirts are bit to pricey and look like seciruty guard shirts. I found pilot shirts fit my requirements and when buying shirts to fit all shapes and sizes the various stlyes made it easy (relaxed fit vs. tapered, tall vs. short, etc.)

    Here is a link to where I buy our shirts: http://www.pilotshirts.com/products.asp?dept=10
    Last edited by lrpddrummie; 15th September 11 at 12:24 PM.

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