I was at a local dog show with my wife and stumbled across a booth selling elk antler tips for dog chew toys at $5.00. Another booth had giant baby pins for $1.00 so I got the idea to make a kilt pin and thought I would share.
1. select an elk horn tip about 3-4" long and sand the back side flat. Clip the pin about 3/4 around the first circle so it looks like a shepherds crook.
2. Drill a hole in the horn just larger than the pin. Set the pin in a vice and strike with a hammer to square it. Any marring will help hold glue later. note. If the angle of the pin is less than 90 degrees the tip of the pin will point away from the wearer. This is a good time to dull the point of the pin
3. Test fit the pin. Epoxy glue the pin in place.
My finished kilt pin on my USA kilts American heritage tartan.
This was an easy and fun project.