3rd November 11, 08:51 AM
Scottish Country Dancing
The opportunities for wearing a kilt are few and far between here in the depths of Norfolk so I finally tracked down the local SCD group, made contact and went to the first meeting of the new season.
I thought that I would do a bit of homework first, so looked up the Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society website. Very interesting. I discovered that there are over 4,230 different dances!
4,230 different dances! I almost gave up then and there - how is anybody supposed to learn that many? Then I noticed a button saying "Core Dances". That's more like it I thought. A quick look - 100 core dances! That "every dancer should be able to master".
Oh well, we can but try.
So in no particular order this is me at the Bury Reel Club:
In case any of you are having difficulties - I'm the one in the kilt.
I usually put captions on all my pics, but have left them off so you won't be distracted.
And finally - notice how I am perfectly out of step!
That's all for now, but I will add updates if i don't break any legs.
3rd November 11, 09:19 AM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
They offer Scottish Country dancing every Sunday here in Madison for free...I was thinking of dropping by and learning but idk. Maybe. Im shy
3rd November 11, 09:28 AM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
Originally Posted by MeghanWalker
They offer Scottish Country dancing every Sunday here in Madison for free...I was thinking of dropping by and learning but idk. Maybe. Im shy
Meghan, you must do it. Now that you have told us, you cannot escape. If nothing else, it is such good fun.
There are relatively few basic steps. It is just that they are put together in different sequences to make the different dances. And people help. There is a constant stream of "to me Chas", "this way", "now back again".
I cannot believe that you could be shy!
3rd November 11, 09:30 AM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
Originally Posted by Chas
Meghan, you must do it. Now that you have told us, you cannot escape. If nothing else, it is such good fun.
There are relatively few basic steps. It is just that they are put together in different sequences to make the different dances. And people help. There is a constant stream of "to me Chas", "this way", "now back again".
I cannot believe that you could be shy!
haha maybe I will one of these Sundays Now that I know I will be bullied if I dont. But who would I dance with? Nobody that I know knows Scottish dance. I would almost rather do Irish dance since you can do that solo. lol. or Scottish highland dancing.
And I can be shy!!........sometimes.
3rd November 11, 09:36 AM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
We had to learn SCD at school and as you say there are some basic steps which once you get the hang of make it much easier. I dont think any us were too keen at school about doing it but its been fantastically helpful ever since at weddings and other Scottish nights.
You should be able to pick up the common dances pretty quick and you never forget them
3rd November 11, 10:10 AM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
I am SO envious and commend you for having a 'go'. SCD has, until a few years ago, been a very long-term passion of mine (I am a Life Member of the RSCDS), and I miss it beyond words. Sadly, I doubt I will ever be able to dance again - not even my beloved Strathspeys - but my heart still races whenever I hear the appropriate music.
If you are anything like me, you will find that, like kilt buying, once you start you cannot stop!
The great sadness is, and I see it in your fine photos, very few youngsters take it up. Only when heavily involved with RSCDS dancing in London in the 60s and 70s did I see many dancers under the age of 30 to 40. I guess things are much the same still.
Keep with it my friend, and take a tip from one who has both the T-shirt and the baseball cap: concentrate on getting the footwork (steps) right first. It will make the dance formations so much easier to assimilate.
Take care,
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
3rd November 11, 10:48 AM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
There isn't anyone in my area teaching SCD, at least as far as I know, but one of my good friends offers a class in English Country Dancing about twice a year at the local university. Does anyone know if there are similarities? I went to the last class offered in waist coat and jacket because I thought it was to be a lecture and demonstration. He had requested I be kilted. Everyone in attendance was expected to participate and learn the basic steps. You get a lot of instruction in a one night class.
It was fun. I can't say I have much skill at ECD, but I had a good time and am expected to attend his next class in 2 weeks.
3rd November 11, 12:40 PM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
Looks like a lot of fun. My mother-n-law offered to try it with me.
3rd November 11, 12:45 PM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
Good for you Chas I bet you cut quite a dash being kilted. Now you have to convince the other chaps there that they must don the kilt to get the real experience.
A few more potential Xmarkers there I think.
Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
Best regards
3rd November 11, 12:59 PM
Re: Scottish Country Dancing
Originally Posted by MeghanWalker
But who would I dance with?
Will your beloved not join and learn with you. I thought he was wanting to wear the kilt anyway?
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