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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    I walked into Joannes...

    ...to buy elastic for GGGP's flashes and then took a walk down the aisle which had the faux batik-type cotton fabrics. All their stuff was way too light for a kilt but I have to admit it sure was nice looking. This is the result of looking over suggestions in the "random patterns" thread, here in this forum.

    Well, I have about 4 yards of 48-inch wide, navy blue, medium weight (the usual) cotton-poly twill sitting on my "someday" pile. I was having a hard time getting particularly jazzed about another solid-color kilt, but it occurred to me that I could do what I did for Bethany's flame kilt.

    Like this....

    With a dark blue batik-ey fabric in the pleats. Or I could just go get some black cotton/poly twill.

    Making Bethany's kilt was a whumpus-load of work, but I'm kind of tempted. I'm not sure if it's "testosterone soaked" enough for my taste, but then.. hey... I need to get over these silly issues.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: I walked into Joannes...

    Are you thinking about this for yourself? I gotta say, judging from my impression of you, that you could stroll around in a bra and g-string and only a few would have the rocks to challenge your base level of testosterone. Like anything else, it comes down to what you dig, fancy boy.
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: I walked into Joannes...

    I love batiks, any chance of a pic of the material? I think batik inserts would be fantastic in an X-Kilt.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    Re: I walked into Joannes...

    I come off MUCH more "macho" here online than I am in person. While I sometimes get kinda stressed and cranky, 95% of the time, face to face I'm awfully laid back. I "write" a lot "hotter".....and "colder" too....than I actually am.

    Artificer, the one I had in mind was a deep blue with some grays and purples in there. But there was also a cinnamon/brown sort of batik that was really nice. Yes, a strip of this inside the box pleats of an X-Kilt would work very nicely. It's just that the stuff doesn't have the weight to hang very well on it's own, so it would need to be stitched on to a base of the same material that the rest of the kilt was made from.

    It's a flippin' lot of work to do this inside every pleat in a knife=pleated kilt, like I did with Bethanys. Inside the 5-6-7 pleats of an X-Kilt, that's really no big deal. Hmmmm...


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