Just wanted to let folks know about a book I picked up. "Legacy of Honor" by Edward G. Ries The text from the Author's facebook page for the book: Legacy of Honor is the first in a series of historical novels about the life of Jamie Drummond, a story of war, persecution, sacrifice, and redemption in the 18th century Scottish Highlands. This is historical fiction, and it begins just before Hogmanay 1743/1744. The Drummond Clan and the coming Jacobite storm of the '45 takes center stage as the protagonist family and framework for the storytelling. I'm enjoying the writing and the descriptive prose. The second in the series is about to come out. The physical book is trade-paperback IIRC and I think Amazon is sold out, but the other two links should still have some. Amazon/Kindle Version: http://www.amazon.com/Legacy-Honor-E.../dp/1621474992 Barnes and Noble/Nook Version: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lega...ies/1113741133 Digital Rights Free PDF/EPUB : http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookst...-1-62147-499-9 Full disclosure - The author is my Uncle-in-Law, but it also happens to be a very enjoyable book as well. And there are highlanders in great kilts in the book, weapons, targes, and quaich, and all sorts of things of interest (in a historical fiction vein) to a great many on this forum I should imagine. I'm posting this under the framework of a "review of a kilt related product" in light of the subject matter.
Last edited by Wolfhound Jack; 10th January 13 at 11:05 PM.
Would this not be an appropriate thread for our library?
Steve Ashton Forum Owner
I am not seeing any link to a free download. I am seeing a link to - $15.99 (digital download). Or am I looking in the wrong place? Regards Chas
Ah, you're right of course, I somehow missed "Library" when I did my forum scan. That would be a better place. Can someone move the thread? Sorry, wasn't as clear as I should have been, Digital Rights free (so that you can put it on whatever device or devices that you own that you like), but not free in cost. The Kindle/Nook versions are cheaper but they restrict which devices can use them (unless one is a computer whiz and removes that protection, which I've never looked into doing).
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