8) Greetings, I just heard of your site and stopped by for a visit. I don't know why you would have trouble logging in to the Utilikilts group on Yahoo, I believe it's open to one and all. Please try again. I just want to say I love Utilikilts and I've been wearing them for about 2 1/2 years and presently has 6 of them. I have my eye on the new survival kilt but have to save up for that. I'll check in from time to time. Get the WORD out on the site, more utilikilt wears will join in.
And just a last thought, Richard Hatch on Survivor looks great in his Utilikilt, I just wish he'd keep it on and get more camara time in it. Maybe as the show goes on.
The UK group are a great bunch of people and have been very kind to me over the years as our respective causes have grown. I produce a fundraising event with a Celtic theme promoting the wearing of kilts and as a regional event this year the UK folks came on board to help us along.
Compared to the price of a traditional Tartan kilt UK's are a steal! I have a traditional kilt as well as on UK, and plan on getting one of their Survival kilts soon.
KiltedSeattleguy I don't think I'll be making your party this year but it sounds like a lot of fun. My wife in a Mini skirt, Ha-Ha-Ha I'm still trying to talk her into going to the Utilikilt party this year let alone a mini. It's not going to happen.