In a recent post I was asking about oxblood coloured shoes with a kilt. Today I realized I needed some shoe polish in that colour. At the store I was told that Kiwi has discontinued oxblood and replaced it with cordovan. The sales person took a rag and dipped into the polish to show me the colour and it was a deep purple instead of a rich red. Does anyone make oxblood shoe polish anymore?
A quick Google search turned up hundreds of vendors and thousands of cans of the 'discontinued' Kiwi polish. Might give one of those vendors a try. Rondo
yep you can still get oxblood polish - its just slightly less common I tend to alternate 1 polish of dark tan for every 3 or 4 of oxblood to deepend the colour as like you say it can go a bit pink/purple if not careful Popularity of cherry red DMs means its stilla out there. Mac
You might try Meltonian or Cavalier. They sell polish in little, shallow, glass jars with metal lids. I have a Meltonian oxblood in my collection. It can't be over 20 or 30 years old.
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