As we all know through forums like this one, we can reach across the world to converse, learn and locate things that normally would be unknown to us. It is a powerful medium and also a scary one at times. A few years ago my wife Meg told me of her GGrandfather, the Rev Frederick Hastings. He was a Congregational Minister in England who wrote upwards of a dozen books and bicycled on 30000 miles on five continents. He was known as the "Cycling Parson" and was friends with the likes of H.M.Stanley and Mark Twain. Frederick lived from 1838-1937 and there is a video of him on Britishpathe'.com at 94yo bicycling and talking. Well, after hearing this story I started to search out his books with the intent of trying to locate a copy of one as a present for Meg. I searched a bit and did find one in Britain so I purchased it and to my surprise when it came inside on the first page it had been autographed by the Reverend himself! As of today I have been lucky to find copies of 3 more titles that were published. Thanks to the amazing, incredible internet.
Yes the net sure does what it is intented to originally do, provide information for all to use and find. For old and rare books I tend to head to Abe Books. I recently bought both volumes of Clarissa and the Countryman after Clarissa Dickson Wright recently passed away. The books are beautiful hard bound volumes that cost a dollar each with total of 12 dollars shipping from England. Best of luck on your searches and give Abe Books a try. Im sure it was quite a thrill to find a signed copy, well done.
"Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."
I purchased "The Spins of the Cycling Parson" today from Abe Books!
Yes, the Internet is the town square of our Global Village. Pretty awesome, and kind of scary at the same time.
Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot Eastern Region Vice President North Carolina Commissioner Clan Sinclair Association (USA)
Very cool. It has, indeed, revolutionized our lives. I have been greatly enriched by the internet. So many things that otherwise could not be found may be discovered there.
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