Just saw this photo for sale on Ebay.
As you can see it's a Pipe Major of the Gordon Highlanders wearing the white cotton coatee.
Very nice presentation full silver pipes!
He's wearing the tall 10-button spats.
What I find especially interesting is his sgian. As best I can remember I've seen Gordons PMs wear the officers' pattern sgian with the ornate top and no badge. This sgian appears to have the sporran badge.
Here's a badge similar to the one seen on the sgian above, mounted on a Gordon Highlanders pipers' sporran.
Here's a piper of the Gordons in similar dress; note the officer style 3D cap badge
For comparison here's a Gordon Highlanders PM from the 1960s, note the lack of shells.
And the very last Pipe Major of the Gordons, with shells. Note the sphinx attached to the crossbelt buckle opening.