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  1. #81
    Join Date
    13th October 10
    Pennsyl-tuckey-vill-burg-town (aka central Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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    Well guys, it appears I'm not from Krypton. My knee is acting up quite a bit since Warrior Dash and it got worse during my plyometric (jump training) workout the other day. I can't really squat or jump without it hurting right now. But that doesn't mean I'm on the couch. No sir! I asked my coach and he and I agreed that I should swim for my cardio until the knee is better. I'm going to do my best to see my goals become reality even if I have to change everything about my workouts.

    Best (and healthy) wishes,

  2. #82
    Join Date
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    Hell on the Humber, 12 hr night run completed, not too many aches, Big Woody Ironman this weekend, Vitruvian Half Iron next week-end, then it's settle down to off peak /winter training.

    Rev Graham

  3. #83
    Join Date
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    When you think that the knee is better, stay with the swimming for another month.

    I have really bad knees these days from resuming strenuous activities too soon after doing damage.

    I also get secondary aches from favouring the painful joint.

    I can cycle, use the trampoline or swim no problem, but I doubt I'll ever run just for the Hell of it ever again.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    . . . I doubt I'll ever run just for the Hell of it ever again.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:
    You're very wise, Anne. I nearly destroyed my knees by running. Twenty years of very careful bicycling (cadence never outside the range 58-62) and always wearing 10-inch high neoprene braces when walking more than a mile a day finally got me past the need for the braces, but I'll never run again. Running was touted as inexpensive exercise by denying the cost of the injuries it caused.

    Good health and long life!

    "No man is genuinely happy, married, who has to drink worse whiskey than he used to drink when he was single." ---- H. L. Mencken

  5. #85
    Join Date
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    I'll join in too, trying to loose about eight pounds to get down to my proper racing weight, recently completed the North Downs Way 100 in my kilt and i've got the Glenmore 24 hr race a week on Saturday,

    Rev Graham, a guy i was talking to last week mentioned another kilted ultra runner, i'm guessing thats you, we should team up some time.

  6. #86
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    Re: Fitness Challenge!

    Ran my first warrior dash on the 11th and I'm hooked! Not only did I enjoy that style of event, but it helps keep my exercise goal-driven. Got another event next month, and it's clear from Sunday that I have MUCH work to do to be in the kind of shape that I want. Thanks, Hugh, for starting this thread and getting me off my lazy old butt. Cheers!

  7. #87
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    Smile Re: Fitness Challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by LitTrog View Post
    Ran my first warrior dash on the 11th and I'm hooked! Not only did I enjoy that style of event, but it helps keep my exercise goal-driven. Got another event next month, and it's clear from Sunday that I have MUCH work to do to be in the kind of shape that I want. Thanks, Hugh, for starting this thread and getting me off my lazy old butt. Cheers!
    Awsome! Glad you liked it! How'd you do?

  8. #88
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    Re: Fitness Challenge!

    I've added Insanity Training to my winter Deca Ironman training, thought I was reasonably fit till I started it, Insanity is the right word, it's got me curled up in the feotal position by the end, but, I know it'll pay off big dividends in the long run.

    Rev Graham

  9. #89
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    Smile Re: Fitness Challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by Reverend Graham View Post
    I've added Insanity Training to my winter Deca Ironman training, thought I was reasonably fit till I started it, Insanity is the right word, it's got me curled up in the feotal position by the end, but, I know it'll pay off big dividends in the long run.

    Rev Graham
    Yeah it's NUTS! I felt like I was gonna die bawlin' for the whole first month. And then they ramp it up in month two. I didn't get to finish the second month before my goals changed and I had to hop back on P-90X but insanity rocked me into shaving a SUBSTANTIAL amount of time off of my 5K. Keep us posted on how you'e doing.

  10. #90
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    Re: Fitness Challenge!

    Ran as a squad with 7 other gentlemen--we'd go our own pace on the running sections and wait until the last man cleared each obstacle before tearing off again. We all finished in the mid to high 37 minute range, so I was pleased with how we did. They reportedly had changed the course for this year's run to make it more hilly. Didn't run the previous course so I can't verify the accuracy of that, but I can attest that we did some hot climbing that day. Ow.

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