I'm starting a new thread on this as I think it's a big shift in kilts heading into the main stream retail market and the other thread didn't get much a reaction. I think many see the words "Mountain hardware Kilt" and think of the straight Unisex skirt that's been sold for many years. This second generation from Mountain Hardware could show a lot of promise and appeal to men looking for a more comfortable garment option.

Call me crazy but I see this as a big positive for the kilted community.

Many folks in the camping and hiking community who wear kilts wear this "kilt". Several brick and morter outdoors stores sell them as well a many online stores. The biggest negative I hear from many about this garment is that it does not have pleats. Well, if these reports are true, all that is about to change in the spring of 2010.

It's a darker color, has two cargo pockets instead of one (but no smaller left-hand front pocket), metal snaps instead of the plastic clips, and is pleated in the back.
1st Generation:

2nd Generation 2010: