Originally Posted by terialka good day gentlemen, I have laughed with that ideas of sporran…. applause for you now a question: can only be done sporran with terrestrial animal? (four legs obvious), because I have seen beautiful purses and accessories done with fish skin. yes of salmon mainly and the truth is that the work craftsman is beautiful, I do not create to have seen esporran thus. then…it can? Yes, you can tan fish (eg, salmon) and reptile skins and use them to make a sporran (see vanDykes Taxidermy catalog online). The fish and snake skins are thin, and should be bonded to another layer of material for strength, thus preventing excessive stretching and tearing. In August I will get some fresh silver salmon skins, and will tan them along with my redfish skins and see how they turn out. Stay tuned!
I would think a nice rayskin sporran would look great!!
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